GIVE ANSWERS - العربية القياسية

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Which are the various terms in Arabic (origins - roots - contexts) for: to read, to quote, to recite, to proclaim, to preach, to say, to transmit, to shout/yell... Thank you well!


SARA30 profile picture SARA30October 2017
Hi how are you all I LearnEnglish
Yasceine_Bahbouh profile picture Yasceine_BahbouhOctober 2017
still awaiting for your clarification.
Yasceine_Bahbouh profile picture Yasceine_BahbouhOctober 2017
I did not undetstand you well. Anyway below are only examples. Can you clarify more.
Read: يقرأ _قرأ
Quote: يقتبس_ اقتبس
Recite: يتلو_تلى