أعط أجوبة - العربية القياسية

100% GOOD (1 votes)تم الإجـابة عليه
who can help me to learn Arabic please I can help with English and Kurdish :)

أعط أجوبة

abdo2017las profile picture abdo2017lasDecember 2017
I am an expert in Arabic I can help you
Saif050181 profile picture Saif050181December 2017
i can help you , send me your skype.

fb_1506331447 profile picture fb_1506331447September 2017
i can help you ?
ahmed_magd2 profile picture ahmed_magd2December 2017
i'll help you , contact me
i'm Ahmed from Egypt and exchanging languages make our cultures more strong.
Salma17 profile picture Salma17November 2017
I'm salma from Morocco my native language is Arabic I can help you to improve your arabic and I want to learn english .
him1227355 profile picture him1227355November 2017
Send Skype number
him1227355 profile picture him1227355November 2017
I am
Yuyaa profile picture YuyaaNovember 2017
I can