Дать ответы - العربية القياسية

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who can help me to learn Arabic please I can help with English and Kurdish :)

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saadtheab profile picture saadtheabNovember 2017
i can help you
sayed142 profile picture sayed142October 2017
i am here
QOUROUB profile picture QOUROUBSeptember 2017
maybe i can help you
oumaima_el profile picture oumaima_elSeptember 2017
me I speak arabic very good I can help you
osamasokar profile picture osamasokarSeptember 2017
Yes I can help you
younes_ala profile picture younes_alaSeptember 2017
yes I can help you and you have to learn me english
fahda profile picture fahdaSeptember 2017
yes i can help you
MAHMOUS12 profile picture MAHMOUS12September 2017
Yes, I can help you