GIVE ANSWERS - العربية القياسية

100% GOOD (8 votes)답변
Hi ı want to learn arabıc and ı can teach turkısh. just women please


QOUROUB profile picture QOUROUBSeptember 2017
maybe i can help you
shams_alqa profile picture shams_alqaSeptember 2017
I can help you, how can I contact you?
mariam_moh profile picture mariam_mohSeptember 2017
السلام عليكم استطيع ان اساعدك واريد ان تساعديني في تعلم اللغه التركيه
moneerr profile picture moneerrSeptember 2017
i can help you
Awwad profile picture AwwadSeptember 2017
moneerr profile picture moneerrSeptember 2017
i can help you if you want