Дать ответы - العربية القياسية

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Can any one help me learn arabic please?

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doody77 profile picture doody77May 2015
i can help you if you want
sabreen profile picture sabreenApril 2015
hi i can help u to learn arabic ..
shirifa profile picture shirifaAugust 2014
I would like to learn persian and i will teach you Arabic send me a message if you thik tat'st ok
mohamed7342 profile picture mohamed7342July 2014
"Can you speak with me in English and I speak with you in Arabic

skype : mohamed talep

manar98 profile picture manar98May 2014
استطيع تعليمك اللغة العربية بشرط ان تعلمني اللغة الانجليزية او الفرنسية
hala12 profile picture hala12May 2014
yes I can learn you with fun
awadabboud profile picture awadabboudFebruary 2014
i can help u.. i need learn English
salmashikhaoui profile picture salmashikhaouiJanuary 2014
Yes I can , but can you learn me English ?