DÊ RESPOSTAS - العربية القياسية

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بلدي الإسبانية لل العربية بك


Ahmed_Abo-zaid profile picture Ahmed_Abo-zaidJanuary 2017
i can tech you Arabic for Spanish
lola-nour profile picture lola-nourJanuary 2017
hola ,claro que yo puedo ayudarte con arabe y en el cambio deseo aprender mas espanol .
signorasara profile picture signorasaraDecember 2016
hola ...yo .... i can exchange with u
Haithampolyglot profile picture HaithampolyglotAugust 2016
Hola soy muy contento enseñar l'arabo y quiero ameliolar Español
sarah_sara profile picture sarah_saraNovember 2016
00201016879444 Viber I am wee chat I am I will teach Arabic Language nice to meet you language Language chat education Learning Chinese Learn Japanese. تشرفت بمعر فتك. I would be glad if i can help you. If you could help me, i would be happy I am I will teach Ar
malath007 profile picture malath007August 2016
we can help each other >
Podemos ayudar a cada
Yassinetoiti profile picture YassinetoitiJuly 2016
I can teach you arabic and i want to learn spanish