GIVE ANSWERS - العربية القياسية

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مرحبا يا جماعة . في عندي سؤال. كيف بتقولوا ”هل انت متأكد” باللهجة - اردني/فلسطيني/سوري. شكرا. How do you say, "Are you sure?" in colloquial Laventine. Thanks.


laula7 profile picture laula7September 2017
متأكد بدون هل وبل هههههه
Farouk12 profile picture Farouk12November 2015
at the dialects , it doesnt matter how will you say it
you can say 'متأكد'
which means 'sure?' and it depends on your accent
or you can say 'انت متأكد؟'
? which means literally 'you are sure'
and you can say it 'متأكد انت ؟'
but it is not very polite
and you can say 'انت متأكد شي ؟'
it means are you sure ?
but it is not very polite

it is better to learn 'متأكد ؟'
because it is easy and good
and all of the sentences which I wrote all of the arabs can understande it