GIVE ANSWERS - العربية القياسية

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السلام عليكم

What kind of greeting and goodbyes are in Arabic language?  I want know all that can be used (between men, women, with family, friends, with your boss and co-workers, morning, afternoon, evening and others) with explanations please. I need it in standard Arabic and in dialects but please write the name of dialect. I know just two greeting  (مرحبا and السلام عليكم / و عليكم السلام )


Thank you.


laula7 profile picture laula7September 2017
The farewell is also said to breathe greeting, but local dialects say when farewell with safety مع السلامة
laula7 profile picture laula7September 2017
Saudi Arabia is a Muslim and their official greeting as we learned the Messenger of Allah Muhammad peace be upon him

Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you
flowers_679 profile picture flowers_679September 2015
مرحبا and أهلا وسهلا
flowers_679 profile picture flowers_679September 2015
السلام عليكم is the greet of islam you can use (between men, women, with family, friends, with your boss and co-workers, morning, afternoon, evening and others)