GIVE ANSWERS - العربية القياسية

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A subject and an adjective, that referres to the given subject in arabic has to have the same gender, I got that, but does it also have the same numerus, like singular or plural?


OmarTohamy profile picture OmarTohamyApril 2015
yes it does
Alhossen profile picture AlhossenApril 2015
I am an arabic native speaker. there is an expression in arabic which says that "the adjactive follows the subject in all its cases" i.e. "النعت يتبع المنعوت في جميع حالاته ". So in this case the subject and the adjective ust have agrreement for 1. Singumar plural 2.male female 3. proper common( with ال التعريف or with out).
1. الرجل الطيب
2. الفتاة الطيبة
3. الرجال الطيبون
4. الفتيات الطيبات
5. فتاة طيبة
6. رجل طيب
chartis_in profile picture chartis_inMarch 2013
for example, my textbook says رجال كثيرون (so subject and adjective is the same gender and the same number) but it also says الشنطات جديدة (which occures to me as the same gender but not the same number, right?)
  • Alhossen profile picture AlhossenApril 2015
    الشنطات جديدة this is not a subject and its adjective, since one is proper and the other is not. To be a sunject-adjective you have to write الشنط الجديدة. However you can say also الفتيات الجميلات and in this case the adjective have the same nuerous as the subject !الشنط الجديدة