CEVAPLA - العربية القياسية

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I need to get Arabic from a picture translated. If you can help, please message me! I will send you the photo by email. Thanks so much!

PS: Here are some related free lessons to learn Standard Arabic: Learning: FinanceDays of the weekGenderConjugation of the verb to write in the perfect


aliali123 profile picture aliali123February 2015
i can speak arabic
i'm from syria
emadgamal200050 profile picture emadgamal200050February 2015
i can help
mulham88 profile picture mulham88January 2015
hi ican learn you arabic if you want
NSS profile picture NSSJanuary 2015
I can help you
blaekgd profile picture blaekgdMay 2018
iam an arabic .. i can help ya text me here -_-
laula7 profile picture laula7September 2017