GIVE ANSWERS - العربية القياسية

100% GOOD (4 votes)AnsweredLanguage Question
I need to get Arabic from a picture translated. If you can help, please message me! I will send you the photo by email. Thanks so much!

PS: Here are some related free lessons to learn Standard Arabic: Learning: FinanceDays of the weekGenderConjugation of the verb to write in the perfect


Amal1997aaa profile picture Amal1997aaaJuly 2015
اعلمك اللغة العربية مقابل تعليمي للغة الانجليزية ؟
athena123 profile picture athena123July 2015
i can teach you arabic, and i want learn english
abauob profile picture abauobJuly 2015
i can helping you to learn arabic but i need your help on can learn english skype abanob.magde1
mira_99 profile picture mira_99June 2015
I can teach u arabic step by step and we will help eachother

contact me
AlaaKhalid profile picture AlaaKhalidJune 2015
I can help you with Arabic! Send me a massage, please.
hassanmss profile picture hassanmssJune 2015
وعليكم السلام استطيع ان اقوم بتعليمك اللغه العربية ان شاء الله واريد منك ان تعلميني اللغة الانجليزية
abadyic profile picture abadyicJune 2015
i can

gimmet profile picture gimmetJune 2015
i can