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Would you like to learn german? I can help you, if you teach me spanish in return :)


ThunderDragonMX profile picture ThunderDragonMXNovember 2014

Mega-Macho? In spanish that sounds really funny haha (No offense). I took the bother to read your bio, was an amazing story about languages in your life. You said you had improved your skills in English language because you started to use the Internet as a tool!... So do I! If you let me, I'm going to share mine. When I was 14 (I'm 17 now) I decided to talk in english with foreign people via xbox live, I didn't speak english when I was 14, nevertheless it wasn't a barrier to talk with my american friends. I started to get a better english speaker, when I was 15 I began to take english clases and I got better and better. For me english and languages in general are like a bridge to connect you with people around the world, I really enjoy learning about their culture and their country and languages are our bridge to connect two different countries, no matter the distance nor our differences. I just can help you to improve your English and Spanish, although I'm not too keen on learning German right now.

INGUDIS profile picture INGUDISOctober 2014
Hello I am from Mexico and I want to learn german could you help me?
Sofisrisu profile picture SofisrisuJune 2014
Hi, I would love to practice my German and help you improve your Spanish!
alex_gom profile picture alex_gomJune 2014
Hello I am from Mexico we can teach and improve our language together, if you want, we can talk by skype my skype is alex_gom1
Sonia95 profile picture Sonia95June 2014
¡Cuando quieras!