Vastake - Español

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Hi!!)) I want to learn Spanish)

Hi everybody)

I'm from Ukraine. I want to learn Spanish, but I know only a few words in Spanish.

Except my native Ukrainian I know very well Polish and Rossian and can speak English. Can you help me with Spanish?

Also can help you in Polish, Ukrainian and Russian wiht pleasure!!)))


psychokvnt profile picture psychokvntJune 2014
I help you with Spanish in exchange for English. My skype is: Rottenkvlt
avex9 profile picture avex9June 2014
We can chat or talk in skype if you like!! skype: avex39
alex_gom profile picture alex_gomJune 2014
Hello I am from Mexico we can teach and improve our language together, if you want, we can talk by skype my skype is alex_gom1
Picon10 profile picture Picon10June 2014

Hola yo soy español necesito aprender ingles a cambio yo os enseñaré español.

Hello I´m from spanish I needs learnt english exchange I teach you spanish thank you.

You can to put in contact with me.

  • Yei profile picture YeiJune 2014
    Hi I can Help you with spanish if you teach me russian Thanks. Hola yo puedo ayudarte a aprender español si tu me ayudas a aprender ruso Gracias.
Arturoperez profile picture ArturoperezJune 2014
I help with Spanish in exchange for English. skype: arturo.perez204