38% GOOD (8 votes)Sem resposta
Hola! Soy rusa y quisiera estudiar espanol. Can speak english a little. Want to find spanish frend for leaning language


reco26 profile picture reco26May 2014
Hola como estas? yo te puedo ayudar a aprender espanol, puedo hablar un poco de ingles, pero quisiera que tu me ensenaras ruso
Larry07 profile picture Larry07May 2014
Yo te enseño español =)
Skype: larry.valencia30
JorgeMonter profile picture JorgeMonterMay 2014
yo tambien te puedo ayudar, agregame a skype jorge.monter.39
igna23 profile picture igna23May 2014
ok we can talk in english and i can teach u spanish ,send me your message
JUANIGNACIO profile picture JUANIGNACIOMay 2014
I want help you in spanish, ok?
carlos253 profile picture carlos253August 2013
hello how are you ? iam carlos from peru iam 21 years old it is a pleasure for me to have the opportunity to exchange cultures ideas and languages i speak spanish my mother tongue , english and french this page is simply amazing i love it jejej you can add me in skype my account is carloncho253 jeje i would like to thank you in advance it has been a pleasure and have a good day :P je voudrais bien te remercien en avance j`espere que tu aies une journnée exceptionelle you can also add me in facebook my account is carlos arbieto garcia quel plaisir avoir le chance d`enrichir le langues merci
hmanu profile picture hmanuAugust 2013
te puedo ayudar en español,tu puedes tu quieres yana?