Vastake - Español

100% GOOD (1 votes)VastatiKeeleline Küsimus
I'm currently using the app Duolingo to learn Spanish. In the app it says that "nosotros queremos a nuestro gato" means "we love our cat". Is this correct and if so why?


TamiSilva profile picture TamiSilvaMay 2018
Hi! I am native Spanish speaker. Yes, that is correct. The translation in English for "querer" and for "amar" is the same: to love. When actually in Spanish "querer" is like a lower level of "amar". If you are dating someone and you tell them "te quiero" is Okay. But if you tell them "te amo" that really means that the relationship is super serious for you and it could make the other person feel happy if they are in the same place that you are, or it could make them freak out haha.

So yes, considering that there is not really a word for "querer" in English, that translation is correct:

We= nosotros
queremos= love
a nuestro= literally "to our" we use the preposition in Spanish
gato= cat
daryacascar profile picture daryacascarJuly 2018
Yes, it's correct guy!
Fercortes profile picture FercortesJuly 2018
Hi! That is correct.
  • a5000 profile picture a5000July 2018
    The verb querer means 'to want', amor 'to love'. gustar 'to like 'But maybe like many words in many languages some words can have double or triple meanings depending on the context.