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I am looking for someone to talk in Spanish and English! I would like to improve my skills in conversations:)


franco_mec profile picture franco_mecMay 2017
Me too. send me a message if you still can not find someone.
jhon21 profile picture jhon21May 2017
don't look for them any longer. i could if you would
davidps profile picture davidpsMay 2017
Hola mucho gusto me llamo David y te podria ayudar a mejorar tu español y me gustaria aprender y mejorar mi ingles
Alberto_RM profile picture Alberto_RMMay 2017
hola!, i`m from Mexico, we can practice English and Spanish if you want!!
joacolguin08 profile picture joacolguin08May 2017
hello! my whatsaap number is +56966880540. if you want practice with me
Irvin-26 profile picture Irvin-26May 2017
I can help u, spanish, is my mother tongue,and I would like to improve my intermediate english level.
GusGutierrez profile picture GusGutierrezMay 2017
Hi, I would like to help you, if somebody wants to practice spanish with me too, I would be so glad to help. My whatsapp number is 2221925932.
jhon21 profile picture jhon21May 2017
i just logged in