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Hello everyone, I would like to learn spanish. I can teach german and italian. Feel free to contact me.


Ali3050 profile picture Ali3050July 2014
hallo!!! wie geht´s? Ich könnte dir mit Spanisch helfen.... und Ich brauche Hilfe mit Deutsch...
Lorenz22 profile picture Lorenz22May 2013
HI I could help you to learn english, but I need that you help me with mu english
Edgar_Gallo profile picture Edgar_GalloApril 2013
Hi ! I can help you with Spanish and you can help me with German
irenegamo7 profile picture irenegamo7April 2013
Yo te puedoo ayudar, además me gustaria aprender italiano, Graaciaas
Silocibina profile picture SilocibinaApril 2013
Hola, yo quiero aprender italiano, yo te puedo ayudar..hi, i want to learn italian, i can help you.
jano2000 profile picture jano2000April 2013
yo podria ayudarte
mandame por correo tus dudas
solanaceo profile picture solanaceoMarch 2013
Hi,.. i could mantain a regular e-mail exchange, i could teach you Spanish, and any German coming from you would be thanked as well.
Nafie profile picture NafieMarch 2013
interessado de aprender los dos idiomas engles y espagnola