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Hi I'm looking for some Spanish people to improve my Spanish. I can help you with English. Let me know thanks Jamie


Elias_Castillo20 profile picture Elias_Castillo20October 2016
+584163132217 Add me
Beto01 profile picture Beto01September 2016
Hello! My name is Alberto, I am a native Spanish speaker, and want to learn English because to my work. Let's become friends! I can help you with English if you help me with Spanish.
Luisr_ramirez profile picture Luisr_ramirezMay 2015
I can help you, let me know if you're interested.
Raqzel profile picture RaqzelMay 2015
Hello! I can help you with your Spanish, if you want. I'll be grateful if you help me with my English, too.~
charlemagne profile picture charlemagneMay 2015
sure, my id on skype is charlemagne that is carlos alberto de buenos aires. please add me, there are many people with your id...
MikeBCN24 profile picture MikeBCN24May 2015



I can help you with your Spanishand I need to practise my English!! My skepe is miquel.manez


See you soon!!