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Hello! I've been learning Spanish for almost half a year. I need someone to help me to improve and not to forget it :)

I can help you with Russian (I'm a native speaker), English (I have B2 level) and French (I have almost B2 level).


ThunderDragonMX profile picture ThunderDragonMXMarch 2015
Hello, if you want I could help you to improve your Spanish. I am not asking you for an exchange because I am not too keen on learning Russian nor French, but I would like to know more about Russian culture
mariamgarnes profile picture mariamgarnesMarch 2015
Hi! I can help you with spanish (native speaker), if you can help me with french?
ulissses profile picture ulisssesMarch 2015
Hi, i can help you with Spanish if you help me with Russian ...
plancarte profile picture plancarteMarch 2015
hola! yo, I can help u with your spanish...and maybe you can help me with my english...what do you say?