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Hello Everyone. I need help with my Spanish and in return I can try to help with your English. Thank you.


Lely87 profile picture Lely87February 2015
Hi....I can help. I am from Colombia and I am looking for a friend. I want to learn english.
fernandojose profile picture fernandojoseFebruary 2015
Hola, soy de Argentina y si querés aprender español, podemos chatear o charlar vía skype, a mí me gustaría mejorar mi inglés. Te cuento un poco de mí: me gusta viajar, mirar películas, leer y comer de todo (aunque por suerte soy delgado jaja). Saludos!
MrAngelo profile picture MrAngeloJanuary 2015
Hello , i'm from argentina , and here we speak spanish ,so, i can help you with your spanish and you can help me with my bad english haha
Martukis profile picture MartukisJanuary 2015
Hi, I could help you, I from Mexico!
MAXICBA profile picture MAXICBAJanuary 2015
I need help with my English too