I can teach you Spanish :D

40% GOOD (5 votes)

Hello everybody. I'm Miguel Fuentealba from Chile, my father is spanish and my mother is polish... well.. Almost I don't know nothing about polish language, I am studying english, i love it.

I'm a student from University and I can help you with spanish, I don't have any trouble :D I love help to the people :D, If you are interesting in my help, you can write an e-mail :D

Come on! Spanish is easy and funny.


See you :D


my email is:

My Picture, It's me



mirage-s profile picture mirage-sJune 2007
hi.I'm turkish and ý know english average. and ý'm also learning spanish but my spanish is trouble:)are u sure that u can help me about spanish?
Sosab profile picture SosabMay 2007
Hola, soy francesa y quiero mejorar mi espanol. Puedo en cambio ensenarte frances :-)

Mi msn es: SosabSosab profile picture