Can you teach me Spanish ?

33% GOOD (3 votes)

Hi. I'm Adrien, I'm 18 and i'm Belgian. I'm in first Bachelor at University of Namur and i search people to practised and improve my languages.. I also want to discover other cultures, other countries.. If you, i can help you in french, dutch and english.

See you



franc0o profile picture franc0oJune 2016
Hola, soy Franco. Enseño español y desearía perfeccionar mi inglés y aprender de lleno Italiano y francés.
JAVIERMIR10 profile picture JAVIERMIR10June 2007

hola...yo les puedo enseñar hablar bien el español...pero ayudenme a aprender inglés o chino.......dispongo de 1.5 horas diarias para enseñarles.


JAVIERMIR10JAVIERMIR10 profile picture

avi_89 profile picture avi_89May 2007
Hi, I'm Annie and I'd like to help you with Spanish as long as you want me to. Let me know what you decide and i'll send you my email. Take care and good luck!!

elroyo profile picture elroyoMay 2007

Come to Spain in July. One to one conversation

I offer accomodattion in a single room in my flat.

You won´t have to pay anything for breakfast+lunch+dinner

Eventhough I´m not a spanish teacher, I´m from Spain and I´ll be with you 24 hours a day. We can study some grammar but the mainly I´ll do my best to improve your spanish conversation skills.

I charge 600 € per week for accomodation, food and my help all day long.

I live in Soria. If you need me to pick you up and bring you back at the Madrid airport I charge an extra of 60€

I´m a happy and talkative person so make sure we´ll have a good time.

Soria is a small city 230 kms away from Madrid heading to the north (near to Zaragoza) .Soria is a city known due to its pure spanish accent

Contact me at elroyoelroyo profile picture to let me know the week/s you want to spend with me to improve your spanish.
