Looking to improve my Spanish

100% GOOD (1 votes)

I am a native English speaker from the United States and I am looking to improve my spanish.  I can help you with your English is return.




lauramor profile picture lauramorDecember 2016
Hello I can help you with the Spanish
MelissaDB profile picture MelissaDBDecember 2016
Hi, I want learn more english and I am a native Spanish speaker. I can help you =)
hola, yo soy de peru, y me gustaria aprender el ingles.
liliana_mo profile picture liliana_moDecember 2016
Hi, we can help each other. I need to improve my english as well. Contact me any time. My Skype account is lilycobaya.
jemontk profile picture jemontkNovember 2016
hi, i can practice with you spanish but you can practice with me english i'm studying english but my pronunciacion isn't good ,
sarah_cast profile picture sarah_castNovember 2016
Hi! I want to help you. I want to learn a better English, and I will teach you Spanish