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nemam rad rada vina - preco 'rada' Anglisky prosim

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Jana249 profile picture Jana249May 2019
a man: Nemám rád víno.
a woman: Nemám rada víno.
JacobSVK profile picture JacobSVKOctober 2013
hello well if i understand what you are trying to say is "i don´t like a wine". First you have to realise there are 3 genders in slovak language- masculine, feminim and neutral. If you are woman you have to speak in feminim form, it means you have to change verb "to like (mať rád)" to "mám rada (i like)" for feminim.
  • MuYang profile picture MuYangMay 2021
    In Slovak (and in Slavic languages) are three different genders. Male nouns typically end in a consonant, feminines typically end in a vowel ”a”, and in a neutral noun a vowel ”o” or ”e”. When we name them, it is preceded by ”article”, in English it is not because there are only ”a” and ”an” here. These ”articles” are: male/ten, female/tá, neutral/to. Similarly, as ”der, die, das” is used in German. When I name a noun, I say one of the ten / ta / to together and then the noun. These should sound harmonious, so here the phonetics tells us what is right.
    For example, in a subset:
    1, Mother / Tá matka (female)
    2, Father / ten otec (male)
    3, Pero / to pero (neutral)

    Of course, there are exceptions here as well, but there are fewer of them and they can be learned.

    This main principle applies to the nominativ case. For example, in the case of possessive pronouns:
    My mother (woman) / moja matka
    My father (male) / môj otec
    My little baby (neutral) / moje bábätko
    In a neutral case, one should not think that the child has no gender, but that it is not the gender that is important in the context.
    For example if I say that:
    ”My baby is 4 months old / Moje bábätko má 4 mesiace.”

    Or if I say that:
    ”I am going to somewhere with ...”
    ”... my mom / ... s mojou matkou”
    ”... my father / ... s mojim otcom”
    ”... my little baby / s mpjim bábetkom”
    But here the possessive pronouns are also conjugated.
Milste profile picture MilsteMay 2021

Nechutná mi víno alebo nepijem víno. This grammar formulation is gender-neutral and you can use this sentence for both - masculine and feminine.