Learning Serbian, teaching French...

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Hi to all!

I am a 26-year-old French girl, just coming back from a trip in the Balkans and I am really motivated, more than ever, to make a living in the region. Presently, I am living in Romania, and I start being able to speak the language. While keeping on improving it, the next step for me will be the Serbian language. Would you be interested in sharing it with me? And of course, it would be a real pleasure to share with you my native language, French.

In any case, I am also looking for some Serbian language methods online. Do you have any idea that could help me in that respect?

Thanks a lot to all in advance for your help, and I hope I will hear from you very soon!



kum77 profile picture kum77September 2007
Hi Marielle,

As far as I understood you are in Romania so I assume that you have acquired some basics of romanian. Serbian is much different from romanian and as far as I know the two languages have not much in common but I guess for you being French romanian is much closer to french than serbian (as a slavic language).

A good idea would be to but for example assimil (to learn serbian) if you are a complete beginner. I am not sure if there are some good resources on the web, but in any case if you really want to learn the best would be to take some lessons because the grammar is rather difficult.

You can contact me if i can be of any help serbian is my native language and I speak fluently french and english so leave me a message if you need some more information or help.

