GIVE ANSWERS - Русский язык

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Привет, кто-то звонил может помогать мне давая мне примеры фразам

[я предпочитаю писать это сообщение на английском языке чтобы быть более ясный / I prefer to write this message in English to be well unterstood]

As it's written in the title, i would like that someone give me some examples to help me to learn russian declensions. I have a learning book (Harrap's) and a dictionnary (Larousse) to do it but, for example in my dictionnary, the feminin examples are роза and дыня. It's declinated in a board but when i look to the declensions' examples, there isn't these same words. So, can someone take a "short" time to send me a message with these examples : роза, дыня, класс, дождь, слово, поле, мысль (and animated nouns for masculin examples) please ? That will be nice. Don't think i'm lazy but that will be more clear for my and that will avoid me to make searches each time that i'm in doubt. I would like to ask more questions on this website but i need five minutes to write a sentence in Russian language.


YaVera profile picture YaVeraJanuary 2015
Do you want to decline the words every possible way? Like: Роза, розой, розе, розу etc? It will be better if you give the board to see it.
So I found this link for you
You can find all declensions that you want there. And it will take shorter time than to write it for you here.
Приходит и такая мысль: в поле после дождя пахло розами и дынями
PalSveta profile picture PalSvetaJanuary 2015
Извини, не очень понятно, что ты хочешь. Ты хочешь, может быть, таблицу склонений?
Amina_Mimi profile picture Amina_MimiJanuary 2015
Дыня-сладкий фрукт.
NadyaBella profile picture NadyaBellaNovember 2014
Роза - это самый красивый цветок.