GIVE ANSWERS - Русский язык

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Lyrics from a song


I'm looking for the lyrics of a song which is in Russian. The fact is I don't know a word of Russian... Could you please help me to find it out? I'd love to see the original russian lyrics and the translated text.

The song is available here:

Thanks in advance!




Efirnoe profile picture EfirnoeOctober 2014
If you still want it, I can write down and translate it for you, If you help me to practice spoken English, of course))
victor_medvedev profile picture victor_medvedevAugust 2014
Texts of the Russian songs are necessary to you? Or you want to learn Russian to understand about what it is sung in songs?
  • Woot profile picture WootAugust 2014
    I wanted to know this one especially, but I'm pretty interested of learning Russian too!