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Как перевести “то после” на английском языке? The whole scentence reads: “Как похороните меняб то после три ночи 2 по очереди ночуйте на моей могиле.”

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binx profile picture binxMarch 2013
and after?
SergeyGrimm profile picture SergeyGrimmMarch 2013
What do you read?
alex_ag profile picture alex_agJanuary 2013
... after that .....
Eirik profile picture EirikJanuary 2013
May be... "You bury me and after that three nights two of you in turn spend at my grave."
justcurious profile picture justcuriousJanuary 2013
Дословно можно перевести "then after that". "То" - в данном случае вторая часть союза (conjunction) "как... то" (в значении "когда...то").
  • ioannes_verde profile picture ioannes_verdeJanuary 2013
    The whole scentence seems to mean something lite: You should bury me and in turn spend three nights at my grave. Could someone try to translate it as a whole?