GIVE ANSWERS - Русский язык

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Can someone translate: I agree that the order will be executed. My phone numer is.... But I would to prefer to communicate with email since I hardly speak or understand Russian unfortunately. I get h

PS: Delve into these free Russian learning lessons: Free training: Adjective Agreementlongest wordCampingImperative give an order


About_Blank profile picture About_BlankJune 2021
Я согласен, заказ будет выполнен. Мой номер телефона .... Но я бы предпочел общаться по электронной почте, так как, к сожалению, я почти не говорю и не понимаю по-русски. Я получаю...
fb_1624973543 profile picture fb_1624973543June 2021
continued: I get help with to write E-Mails.