GIVE ANSWERS - Русский язык

100% GOOD (5 votes)Respondis
Привет! Я хочу говорить на русском с кем-то. Я могу выучить французский язык!


Ksana_F profile picture Ksana_FAugust 2013
Salut, et je t'aiderai à apprendre avec plaisir la langue russe en échange sur le français
Khodzha profile picture KhodzhaAugust 2013
Hi! You might to talk with me. Though I don't know French I will be happy if I learn some French words from you. I understand English. Skype: arabian_21
  • Amel_Shishkov profile picture Amel_ShishkovAugust 2013
    Ok i can't add you for the moment because i don't have free time this week but you can add me. Skype : rilakkuma.l