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Привет! Я хотел бы выучить русский язык, потому что я перееду в России менее чем за месяц. I can help yoy with your english and your spanish meanwhile :) спасибо

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Roman_Balakin profile picture Roman_BalakinJanuary 2018
Привет. могу помочь с изучением русского языка
Elvin1989 profile picture Elvin1989March 2017
Hi.I can Help you)
Yana_2001 profile picture Yana_2001December 2016
Hi! Let's speaking in Skype! Write me please your nickname and I will glad to help you! And you help me please too
Yana_2001 profile picture Yana_2001December 2016
My nickname is Yana Zhmud
savunbon profile picture savunbonOctober 2016
Hi. I can help you with your Russian.
MariaMia profile picture MariaMiaOctober 2016
Hi!I can help you))And you help me study English))