GIVE ANSWERS - Русский язык

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hello russian speakers! i would like to know the difference between those 4 verbs

the verbs are:  Сходить, пойти, идти, перейти. 

according to google translate they all mean the same "go".

1. is there any difference between their meanings/uses.

2. if there is a similarity, which is more common in everyday chatter.



Klok profile picture KlokJuly 2016
For example:
Сходить за хлебом - to go to the shop, to buy bread and to come back.
Пойти за хлебом - to start going to the shop to buy bread.
Идти за хлебом - to be in the middle of a process of going to the shop to buy bread.
Перейти - it means that you have some line that you have crossed like river or border.
So those are different cases of the root "go" and they are all common in speech.
  • Klok profile picture KlokJuly 2016
    Сходить has no tense, it's infinitive describing a prolonged process. It has no present tense so it's pure intention for future схожу or finished action for past сходил.
  • vertex1 profile picture vertex1July 2016
    oh my... i never imagined there could be so many ways to say "go". thanks for the explanation. i still however don't undersand the use of Сходить. because if you say that it's about going and coming back then it should be a past tense, but it isn't, right? or maybe it's only about showing the intention to come back? in that case i see how it can be reassuring to wifes of men who go to buy bread. so can you give some more examples for its' use?