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Hi russian speakers! what does this mean...

i saw the following title of a russian song: Позови меня с собой"

i translated it literally as: "call me with yourself" but it doesn't make sense.

is the translation correct?

if so, does it have a sensible meaning in russian??

thanks in advance.



VitaliyMalyugin profile picture VitaliyMalyuginApril 2016
she wants him to call her to follow him. Just like that song in english: " come together, right now, follow me"
  • VitaliyMalyugin profile picture VitaliyMalyuginApril 2016
    Yes. that's a common way although a shorted form with no definition what for or what to do. You can say «позови меня с собой», in some different meaning «позови за собой», «возьми меня с собой». In this sentences she has a passive role, only he must to take her with him. Only he is acting, that is why reflexive “с СОБОЙ», а не «с тобой». But if you say full sentence with a verb: «позови меня ПОЙТИ с тобой» , «хочу БЫТЬ с тобой» where she is acting too, you must say «с ТОБОЙ», because she can not reflex her actions on herself. Otherwise «хочу побыть сама с собой» has an absolutely opposite meaning. Another examples ПОЗОВИ : «позови меня в ночи – приду!» is cloth to «I'll be there for you !» , call for help, not just «Let me know», or to becon for «Ягода малина нас к себе манила, ягода малина летом в гости звала»
  • vertex1 profile picture vertex1April 2016
    thanks. is that a common way to convey this meaning in russian? and why isn't "с тобой" used instead of "с собой"?
Paul1374 profile picture Paul1374April 2016
I think at English it will be as "Call me with you" or "Take me with you".
  • vertex1 profile picture vertex1April 2016
    thanks. problem is that in english "call me with you" doesn't sound like something anyone would say...
The_Man profile picture The_ManApril 2016

It means "Take me with you". Literally (and preserving the meaning) it would be "Invite me to go with you", but the first variant is better and it is exactly what is meant in the song.

  • vertex1 profile picture vertex1April 2016
    hi, thanks for you answer. you say that "Позови меня" is literally "take me" but i didn't find that meaning in various online dictionaries. the most common translation is "call me" and sometimes "let me know" as in the sentence: "Позови, если ещё что-нибудь будет нужно.". can you give another example where "Позови" has a "take" meaning?