GIVE ANSWERS - Русский язык

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Hey! Can someone help me with learning Russian?

Hello! My name is Seamus; I'm from the United States, and I wish to learn Russian. I was wondering if someone could help me with my studies, as this is my first time trying to learn a foreign language. If you like, I can give pointers to those wishing to learn English, as it is my native language. 


  • Crypticsandr profile picture CrypticsandrFebruary 2016
    I believe you've got yourself a deal, friend! I can help you with English, and would in exchange like your assistance in my studying of Russian!
Shaagoff profile picture ShaagoffFebruary 2016

Hello, u can ask me any time, if u want to know something about Russian language or especially want to talk. As native speaker, I'll be glad to help. I ensure u productive conversations and fun correcting of any kind of mistake. It'll be good, if u help me too. I would actually appreciate it.

Привет, если захочешь узнать что-либо о русском языке и, особенно, захочешь поговорить - спрашивай в любое время. Как носитель языка, буду рад помочь. Со своей стороны гарантирую продуктивное ведение разговора и нескучное докапывание до ошибок :) Будет ещё хорошо, если ты тоже мне поможешь. Я б реально оценил.

  • Crypticsandr profile picture CrypticsandrFebruary 2016
    I'll definitely be willing to help you out with questions you have in English! Спасибо большое!
ALINAZHIDKIH profile picture ALINAZHIDKIHFebruary 2016
Hi, my name is Aleena. I can help you! Russian is my native language. And I want to learn and improve my English !
VarvaraMor profile picture VarvaraMorFebruary 2016

Привет! Я с удовольствием помогу тебе научиться говорить по-русски))

tor-zireael profile picture tor-zireaelFebruary 2016
hii Seamus! I can help you with Russian