ODPOWIEDZ! - Русский язык

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Hey! Can someone help me with learning Russian?

Hello! My name is Seamus; I'm from the United States, and I wish to learn Russian. I was wondering if someone could help me with my studies, as this is my first time trying to learn a foreign language. If you like, I can give pointers to those wishing to learn English, as it is my native language. 


Naaastya profile picture NaaastyaMarch 2016
Hi! I would like to help you learn Russian, it is my native language. And I want to learn English with you help/
Sergey495 profile picture Sergey495February 2016
my native language is russian. I need help to learn english language.
My offer - exchange of knowledge.
Do you want?
Katherine00100 profile picture Katherine00100February 2016
Do you still need help? :3
oksanaf profile picture oksanafFebruary 2016
здравствуйте! признаюсь честно, мне нужен консультант по английскому языку. сама довольно неплохо владею русским. Предлагаю обмен: Ваши квалифицированные консультации по английскому - на мои знания русского языка.