DA RESPUESTAS - Русский язык

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Russian?? I know Dutch, Italian and English


ILDAR90 profile picture ILDAR90November 2015
Hey! I'm russian and I'd love to talk with you)
Alexandraaaa profile picture AlexandraaaaOctober 2015
perekat profile picture perekatJuly 2015
Hi. You are very beautiful girl and I would be pleased to communication with you. I can help you with Russian, because it my native language. Instead you will help me with English, I think it will be cool. My skype: ilnar_11
Ksynik profile picture KsynikJuly 2015
Im interesting an English)
yes, and i can help with russian language)
Ksynik profile picture KsynikJuly 2015
Hi, I can help you with Russian
IgorNikovov profile picture IgorNikovovJuly 2015
Hi. I want to improve English and I can help with Russian
noxom profile picture noxomJuly 2015
Hi I can help you =)
Ksyu16 profile picture Ksyu16June 2015
Hi I can help you with Russian Write to me And me with English