GIVE ANSWERS - Русский язык

100% GOOD (1 votes)SinagotLanguage Question
Does anyone know of any good YouTube clips or any videos in general on the Internet that can help me become more fluent in Russian?

Hi, I'm Courtney and am a native English speaker. I really want to learn Russian and am learning on my Babbel app about how to speak and recognize the grammar and know it in general. Although the app is very helpful, I want to be able to recognize it by hearing it through videos, but I want to start out easy. So, the videos I am looking for are ones that are for beginners. I also would like some advanced videos that anyone can suggest. I just don't want to jump in on a regular Russian video because I don't want to become instantly confused and frustrated. 

PS: Here are some related free lessons to learn Russian: Free class: Sentense StructureFamilyRussia Historical EventsIcons and Churches


PaulZaikin profile picture PaulZaikinJune 2017
hehe. I think the best way to improve your language skills this is listen and try to understand foreign songs. (at least for me it was very helpful by english studying), although i dont think that our songs can have some sense hehe but if you'll have interest toward this i can help you make right choose)))
maikaeferli profile picture maikaeferliMay 2015
Videos for advanced : travel series Орёл и решка!
Olio profile picture OlioMay 2015
What kind of videos are you interested in?