GIVE ANSWERS - Русский язык

100% GOOD (1 votes)Fără răspuns
Would love to start with the basics of russian, a language that has always intrigued me. Anyways, I can teach Spanish and German


DianaVelichko profile picture DianaVelichkoJanuary 2015
Hi. I learn German. And I can help you with Russian. I'm native speaker. Skype: allsimple13
LKatie profile picture LKatieJanuary 2015
if you need my help : my skype is "katyalisenenkova"
SaltaSabyr profile picture SaltaSabyrJanuary 2015
Hi I can help you )
Yljaha profile picture YljahaJanuary 2015
i am teacer of russian language and literature
i want to help you to study rassia
but i need help learnig english from you
KamaKari profile picture KamaKariJanuary 2015
I can help you, if you want of course
Darya_Darya profile picture Darya_DaryaJanuary 2015
I can help)