I need a russian friend.

Voĉdoni nun!

Well, i have learned russian over 4 years in school. But im still absolute beginner. Probably because in the start of my russian lessons i wasnt very optimistic and interested about this interesting and difficult language. Now, when im 16, i realise that as estonian (yes, i live in Estonia, little peacful beautiful country where 1/3 of all ppl are russians) i need to be able to speak russian language. The problem is not only about little egoistic thing as will to be smart, but more about that i think estonians and russians in my homeland need to have a better dialog. A lot of russians belive that estonians are unfriendly, proud, stupid nazis (witch is really unpleasent prototype) and allso russians in here are too proud to speak estonian and suffer often because of that (don't get a job) and belive that Soviet Union was much better place... and most of russians probably know what happened in the end of april in Tallinn. I saw it, i was there, i was sad.

So i really need a help, one person can make a change. So if somebody who is interested about Estonia and is liveing in russia(or in estonia:D)  and is capable to teach me some russian then  i really would like to get in touch with u. I wait for messages=)


martilonok_sm profile picture martilonok_smDecember 2007
what's up....I know russian perfectly....now i am in the US, but i was born in Latvia...so..we are pretty close...send me email at the martilonok_smmartilonok_sm profile picture    or at skype... sanjamt
evgenyp profile picture evgenypNovember 2007

Hi, i can teach some russian. I live in UK - London but we can have chat by ICQ :) My ICQ and Skype at my profile.

AliciaLi profile picture AliciaLiNovember 2007
Hi! My name is Alicia and originally i`m from Latvia(but i`m Russian) Now i live in UK and i MUST improve my English, so I can teach you Russian and you will help me with my English.  My msn - AliciaLiAliciaLi profile picture skype - agonija_ 
Sliderhit profile picture SliderhitNovember 2007
Ïðèâåò, ìåíÿ çîâóò Ìèõàèë. Ìíå 20 ëåò è ÿ ó÷óñü â óíèâåðñèòåò. ß õî÷ó èçó÷àòü àíãëèéñêèÿ ÿçûê. Ïîýòîìó òàêæå èùó àíãëèéñêîãî äðóãà äëÿ ïåðåïèñêè. Ìîè çíàíèÿ àíãëèéñêîãî íà óðîâíå íà÷èíàþùåãî. Hello, my name is Michael. I am 20 years old and I study in university. I want learn English. So search English friend too for correspond(talk, did't know correct). My knowledge English language at level begining. My contact information: email: SliderhitSliderhit profile picture ICQ 240-478-559 I wait answer. P.S. Post did't modify.