Россия, наконец, путешествия=))

67% GOOD (6 votes)
Privet vsem!=)

My name is Rachel, 22-yr old polyglot girl and independent explorer=)

I'm going to Russia finally this next weeks, ochen skoroo


My General route is starting from the 2 capitals, through

European Russia, cross the Urals and travel Siberiaa,up to the far eastt.

I'm looking for kind-hearted people open to host for some days in the cities.


I'll be very delighted to exchange culture and language personally, I can teach

English, Portuguese, Spanish, Filipino, and more. We can also travel together

to somewhere and do activities of course, complete cultural immersion!=))


So I'm looking forward  to meet all good friends in Russia, and have Real-life Exhange in Russia=))

For chat in skype: --------------,  or email: {No Email!}

I'll be leaving within a week, so either way, get in touch, so I can estimete my route,=)