privjet, russian for croatian girl

0% GOOD (2 votes)

hey, i would like to learn russian, since from this autumn i'll go to russian and italian university...

for change i can give you croatian, italian and english lessons...

write me a messagge, i know a bit of russian but not a lot...

spaciba )


Nastyshka profile picture NastyshkaAugust 2007

Hi! I can help you with your Russian

And I will be very happy if you help me with my English

I hope you will  write me NastyshkaNastyshka profile picture

Banny profile picture BannyAugust 2007
Hello! My name is Ann. I'm from Moscow.  I want to improve my English and I can help you with your Russian. If you are interested, write me) My mail: BannyBanny profile picture
makcumka profile picture makcumkaJuly 2007
Hi, my name is Max, russian. I want up my english level and ready teach you for russian...