I'll Teach English for Romanian

33% GOOD (3 votes)

Hi. I am Ashley. I am 22, I live in Georgia in theUS. I am learning Romanian and need people to practice with.  I can teach English. I have a microphone and can help with pronunciation. I would really  like it if the people who contact me also have a microphone too  but it isn't a requirement.

Mga komento

TudorM profile picture TudorMSeptember 2010

  Hey ! I can help   you learn some Romanian . I do ok English but a conversation with a native is always welcomed . 


bebelusa profile picture bebelusaJune 2010

bebelusabebelusa profile picture      sunt  Lavinia  te pup pa

asa_mai_zic_si_eu profile picture asa_mai_zic_si_euSeptember 2009

I can also give you a hand ...



mai vrei sa inveti romana?

georgeqwe profile picture georgeqweMay 2009

if you stil need help with romanian send a   message

dysscordia profile picture dysscordiaMay 2009

Hi:)..So have you found someone to practice with?I can give you a hand if you want:)