Best Romanian Coursebook?

Głosuj teraz!


which coursebook can you recommend for learning Romanian? I am German and already speak English and Portuguese. I've been to Romania several times and have some basic practice and knowledge about the Romanian language. Now, I'd like to study intensely so I'll be able to do some conversation when visiting Romania in July/August 2013.

Does anybody have some advice for me? Later on, a tandem partner would be nice, too. =)

Kind regards,



norrsken93 profile picture norrsken93July 2013
I have found a site where you can order a kit for learning Romanian, it contains a manual, a notebook with exercices, 2 CDs for listening and reading comprehension, exercices concerned with discourse and writing skills, but you cannot download it, so you have to invest some resources here. I have not read the book myself, but in its description it is stated that the kit has been created by the European Council based on the European Portfolio for Languages and it is for the levels A1-A2. I'll put the link below, hoping it will be of help for you. I do have a book organised as a special course for learning Romanian, but I am in Romania. If you cannot buy the book in the link, I would be glad to hold some conversations with you in Romanian based on the lessons in my book. Or I could scan the book for you, it would not be a problem for me, I wish to help anyone who wants to learn my native language. Here is the link for the book that you can buy: