My Turkish or Azerbaijani for your Moldavanian

50% GOOD (2 votes)

Hi folks! I want to learn Moldovanian.. I need help. And I can help you to learn Azerbaijani or Turkish! CONTACT ME!


SPQR88 profile picture SPQR88March 2012
You could look for Romanian, because moldavian doesn't exist as a language. Try finding me a text written in moldavian :P
  • sandernik profile picture sandernikSeptember 2012
    Moldavian and Romanian is Like UK and USA English. American English don't exist officialy but it still exist as a diferent dialect! Romanian is a little bit* diferent form Moldavian, many moldovans wont understand you if you'll speak clear romanian with them because there are some words and word combinations that native moldovans never ever heard about.So , if you wanna visit and work in Moldova then you should learn Moldavian dialect or Romanian language, because it is most different romanian dialect from thgose that exist nowadays.Succes!
cris8907 profile picture cris8907September 2012
the dude below me is right! moldavian and romanian is the same thing!