Want to get a list of Romanian+English translated books

50% GOOD (6 votes)



I am working to create a machine translation engine. I would greatly appreciate it if someone with fluency in Romanian, can point me to books available on sites like Gutenberg or others for free, which have a Romanian language edition as well as an English translation. These may be for example by classic writers like Charles Dickens or anyone else.

I will feed these books and their translations into my machine translation engine, so that it is better able to translate Romanian to English and vice versa. The only thing that I want is that the translations should be direct translations of original books, not abridged or altered translations...The translation engine I am working on will compare the original text with its exact matching translated text, that is why this is so important to me. I hope someone is able to point me to a good list of such books, along with source from which that book's romanian and english editions can be obtained.

Similarly I require books in other languages also, but that is part of posts on other forums.

