GIVE ANSWERS - Português

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who can help me for learn portuguese ?


fernando_l2 profile picture fernando_l2January 2017
I can help you.
Hudsoncp0 profile picture Hudsoncp0December 2016
Olá, gostaria de aprender o inglês para viagens e trabalho.

Sou brasileiro e ensino português do Brasil.

Hello I would like to learn English for travel and work.

I am Brazilian and I am teaching Portuguese in Brazil.
vedita profile picture veditaApril 2016
Studying with other people who speak Portuguese. I'm Brazilian and if you wish i can help you in exchange agentkeys helps me with English.
Aderaldo_Cintra profile picture Aderaldo_CintraSeptember 2015

Hi! I'm a native speaker of portuguese and I'm here to help you. You can count on me!

Oi! Eu sou falante nativo de português e eu estou aqui para ajuda você. Pode contar comigo!

lucaslprimo profile picture lucaslprimoOctober 2015
I can help you
hube11 profile picture hube11September 2015
Brenosoared profile picture BrenosoaredSeptember 2015
i can