GIVE ANSWERS - Português

Offering English in exchange for Portuguese Skype chats


rafaelmonteiro2019 profile picture rafaelmonteiro2019March 2015

Hello, I'm brazilian and I'd like to help your portuguese improvement. I need to improve my english. My skype is monteiro2019. See you.

mehedi_ku0126 profile picture mehedi_ku0126March 2015
Hello! Thank you for your article. I’d like to try your service to compare it to my previous experience of learning british Portuguese via Skype classes. I did 10 conversations via Skype with a native speaker from And I was pretty satisfied with their quality, if you want to learn british Portuguese as a second language, I think you can easily take your british Portuguese lessons by using their service, They have some great teacher, but I want to try another option.
joaogabrielma profile picture joaogabrielmaJanuary 2015
Hey! I'd be grateful in help =) my skype is: JoaoMirandaRamos
kitacris profile picture kitacrisMarch 2013
Hello I'm Brazilian and I need to practice my English. I help you with Portuguese.