Can you teach me portuguese...

33% GOOD (3 votes)

  I am begginer, I dont know any portuguese, but I really want to learn it, and I  would like to go to Portugal, maybe next year or so... :)

If you wanna be my friend and teach me portuguese, you are wellcome, also I can teach you Croatian/Serbian/Bosnian or help you improve your english... 


RICARDOTJ profile picture RICARDOTJOctober 2009

hi there!

Would be a great pleasure to teach u something that i learned given classes to brazilian people. i'm a native speaker almost graduated in portuguese ( just to teach others ), i live here in Brasil, and feel free tos contact me any time u want.

I believe that the best way to learn some language, is the same way that i've been tried, to learn english: Talking ( we can say that the chat is a kind of talking ). So, i can teach u all portuguese grammer rules  but u need to use, to talk, to understand what u need  to do with them in the daily life.

I'll be waitting for your message.


Eu teria um  grande prazer em te ensinar algo que aprendi enquanto ensinava o portugues para alunos brasileiros. Sou nativo e quase me  graduei em letras ( curso voltado para ensinar outras pessoas ). Então, eu  posso te ensinar todas as  regras gramaticais da língua portguesa, mas eu acredito que o melhor modo de aprender uma língua, é falando, entendendo como estas regras se aplicam no cotidiano.

Espero seu retorno. 

Claudio33 profile picture Claudio33August 2009

  Hi, would be a great pleasure help you, the portuguese of Portugal and the brasilian portuguese are almost iquals, change some words only.

If you still need, I can help you. Ok?

Take care!

Lydiarib profile picture LydiaribAugust 2009

I can teach you Portuguese from Portugal if you are still needing help.

Ciane profile picture CianeAugust 2009

Hey there!

I can teach you Portuguese of Brazil. And I want to improve my English, so... we can talk.

See you!

daianedelazari profile picture daianedelazariJuly 2009


i dont' know the Portuguese of Potugal... but if you want   I can to teach the Portuguese of Brazil .