Are u interested in portuguese? I can help you !

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Hello people.

My name is Ana and i live in Brazil.

I like to teach and i love languages.

If u are interested, i can teach u portuguese.




rf_girl profile picture rf_girlSeptember 2009
Hello, Ana))
I'm russian! I'd love to learn your language. I have some friends from Brasil but they live in Japan. I like your language sounds and adore songs in portuguese) would be pleased if you write me to rf_girlrf_girl profile picture and also we can chat through Skype - julia190680. Thank you! Take care!:)
Israaell profile picture IsraaellMarch 2009

Olá, meu nome é Israel moro no Brasil e posso ajudar com o Portugues. I can speak Englis too.

FifiSawyer profile picture FifiSawyerMarch 2009
Hello, I live in Brisbane Australia, and would like to learn Portuguese from a language informant or native speaker, I am a linguistics teacher and writer. I can teach you English very well!
lambik90 profile picture lambik90March 2009
Bom dia a tudos!   

A lengua portuguèsa me interesa !

Convito aos Portuguêsas y Brasileiras de contacta-me para ajuda-me a perfeicciona-me !

Posso ajuda-os com Françès, Inglès y Néerlandès !

Chamo-me Philippe

Lambik is a cartoon character from Belgium (serie Suske &  Wiske) with whom I like to identify my own personality

Anynha profile picture AnynhaMarch 2009


Ficarei muito feliz em poder te ajudar.

Enviei um e-mail pra você com meus contatos.

Vamos conversar, prometo que serei uma excelente professora.


codruta profile picture codrutaMarch 2009
Ola Ana,

eu quero melhorar o meu português mas não tenho com quem falar.

gostaria falar contigo.

ate já!
