Learning Portuguese!!!

Проголосуй сейчас!

Hello everyone!

My name is Dee and I am interested in learning Portuguese, specifically Brazilian Portuguese.  If you are interested in helping me please respond to this post.  I can assist anyone with learning English. 


e322890 profile picture e322890November 2009

I need learn english. Who speak with me in skipe e322890)?

Eneas profile picture EneasOctober 2009

Ola, tudo bem?

(Hello, all right?)


Se quiser realmente aprender a lingua portuguesa, coloco-me a sua disposição.

( If you really want to learn the Portuguese language, I put myself at your disposal.. )


Mande-me mensagens com as suas dúvidas que responderei.

( Send me messages with your questions to answer.)


Aprenderemos juntos já que eu gostaria também de aprender Ingles.

( We will learn together as I would also like to learn english. )




Eneas dos Santos

RICARDOTJ profile picture RICARDOTJOctober 2009

E aí ( what's up)

Gostaria de trocar informações com vc. ( i'd really like to change informations with u.)

Compare ( compare )

Some words are seemed(?)  ( algumas palavras são parecidas )

I'll be "waitting for" your message (estarei "esperando" seu retorno)

Denken profile picture DenkenMay 2007

I can teach you portuguese. I want to improve my english.

Write to me: DenkenDenken profile picture

gi_matana profile picture gi_matanaApril 2007
hi_i can help you

write to me  gi_matanagi_matana profile picture

see ya